Grants News

2024 Grants

Ethics education, practice and theory research grants announced

2024 Call for Proposals by the Page Center

Page Center announces three research calls targeting ethics education, practice and theory

The 2023 Page Center Grants

Digital analytics and prosocial communication research grants announced

2023 Call for Research Proposals

Topics for 2023 research calls are digital analytics and prosocial communications

Call Image - 2022 Sustainability

2022 call for research proposals will focus on sustainability communication

Call Image 2021

Page Center announces 2021 grants on corporate social advocacy, ethics of care and activism


Three research calls target corporate social advocacy, ethics of care and activism

Organizational Listening Call

2020 Page Center grants seek to learn how corporations listen

2020 Call for Proposals

2020 scholar grants to identify effective, ethical ways to listen to stakeholders

Call Me!

2019 scholar grants to examine advocacy and narratives in public communication

2018 Call

Page Center funding research that targets ‘fake news,’ other communications issues

Fake News Call

Call for proposals targets ‘fake news’ and other ethics topics in communication

Grants from 2017

Legacy grants to uncover new perspectives of digital media, new technology

Digital Call

Call for proposals: Legacy scholar grants to focus on digital media

Arthur W. Page Center online modules

Page Center funds online modules focused on ethics and integrity in communications

Arthur W. Page Center unites public relations researchers with professionals in the industry

2016 Page Center research grants connect public relations faculty with industry professionals

Page and Johnson Legacy Scholar program

Page Center announces 2016 call for grant proposals

PRism Online Journal

Page-funded research showcases ethical challenges in stakeholder engagement

Conceptual graphic of the earth made up of green people

Page Center to Fund Sustainability Communication Research and Other Scholarship for 2015-2016

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Page Center awards 13 Research Grants