Fake News Blog

Laura Lemon

Building a compass to navigate (mis/dis)information – Scholar Q&A with Laura Lemon

Frank Dardis

'A video game to increase literacy of health misinformation' by senior research fellow Frank Dardis

CSR Research with Linwan Wu and Holly Overton

Native CSR advertising effectiveness depends on persuasion recognition

Fan Yang and Holly Hott

Understanding corporate misinformation and the spread of environmental issues on social media

Gene Foreman

Gene Foreman: An ethical journalist from day one

Fake News Research

How corporations can survive a fake news crisis

Fan Yang and Holly Overton

Research in Progress: Understanding corporate rumors and the psychology of how they spread

Christopher Cox

Research in Progress: The priming of 'fake news' for automated media

Qian Xu and Shi Chen

Research in Progress: Comparing real news vs. fake news in the Zika epidemic

Bart Wojdynski

Research in Progress: How design influences reactions to fake news stories in social media

Michail Vafeiadis and Anli Xiao

Research in Progress: Examining the role of message source and rebuttal mechanisms

Jahng and Lee

Research in Progress: Navigating the role of public relations in the era of ‘fake news’

Jami Fullerton, Alice Kendrick, and Lori Melton McKinnon

Research in Progress: Attitudes and aptitudes in media literacy and ‘fake news’

Hopp et al

Research in Progress: Why do people share fake news on social media?

Hernando Rojas and Kwansik Mun

Research in Progress: How can we prevent ‘fake news’ consumption?

Michele Ewing and Cheryl Ann Lambert

Research in Progress: Successfully safeguarding the company reputation

Leticia Bode, Melissa Tully, and Emily Vraga

Research in Progress: Combating the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media