Advocacy Blog

By Luke Capizzo and Andrea Martinez Gonzalez

Examining the psychological implications of authentic CSA across environmental and racial justice

Headline with soccer ball in the grainy distance

The role of advocacy in women’s sport: A smart business decision?

Flora Hung-Baesecke University of Technology Sydney

How public relations fits into corporate purpose – Scholar Q&A with Flora Hung-Baesecke

Minhee Choi Texas Tech University

How prosocial communication can drive policy – Scholar Q&A with Minhee Choi

Young Kim and Katharine Miller

Effects of CEO activism on employee prosocial behavior – Scholar Q&A

Brian and Staci Smith

Navigating the risks of corporate support of refugees – Scholar Q&A

Hao Xu, Jisu Huh and Hyejoon Rim

Companies getting political and publics’ reactions to CSA

Duli Shi

Message framing for social identity – Scholar Q&A with Duli Shi

Page Center scholar Nicole O’Donnell

Role models as health communicators – Scholar Q&A with Nicole O’Donnell

By Anli Xiao, University of South Carolina, and Christen Buckley, Pennsylvania State University

Mobilizing supportive stakeholders through CSA efforts - Part 2

Anli Xiao, University of South Carolina, and Christen Buckley, Pennsylvania State University

Mobilizing supportive stakeholders through CSA efforts - Part 1

Alan Abitbol, University of Dayton, and Matthew VanDyke, University of Alabama

Exploring the role of self-transcendent media experiences in corporate social advocacy

Building a CSA Framework

Developing an audience-centric framework of CSA strategy

Nicole O’Donnell, Washington State University and Yanni Ma, Oregon State University

Bolstering CSA efforts with authentic leadership and substantive action

Jasmine Roberts-Crews

Why teach digital activism?

Weiting Tao and Yeunjae Lee, University of Miami

Research in progress: Developing a scale of organizational ethics of care for employees

Dunja Antunovic, University of Minnesota; Nicole M. LaVoi, University of Minnesota; Katie Lebel, Ted Rogers School of Management; Nancy Lough, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Ceyda Mumcu, University of New Haven; and Ann Pegoraro, University of Guelph

Research in Progress: Corporate social advocacy in women’s sports

Split frame image of two men with short black hair posing in front of studio backgrounds

Research in Progress: Finding effective messaging to increase public support of CSA

Anli and Christen

Research in Progress: Why and how should companies communicate their corporate social advocacy?

Corporate Political Advocacy

Antecedents and outcomes of corporate political advocacy among consumers

Emel Ozdora Aksak and Daniela Dimitrova

On the border of the Syrian refugee crisis: What 37 hours of interviews taught us about NGO advocacy

Ioana A. Coman and Rosalynn Vasquez

Research in Progress: What happens when organizations don’t listen?

Soyoon Kim & Queenie J. Li

Research in Progress: Can digital gaming help promote mental health?

Two images of women posing in front of studio backdrops

Research in Progress: How and when should corporations engage in social issues?

Daniela Dimitrova and Emel Ozdora Aksak

Research in Progress: The role of media discourse and NGO advocacy for marginalized populations

Linda Hon and Leping You

Research in Progress: Antecedents and outcomes of corporate political advocacy among consumers

Brooke W. McKeever, Robert McKeever, Minhee Choi

Research in Progress: Construction and validation of new scales for advocacy and activism

Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Nadia Martínez-Carrillo, Daniel Tamul

NGOs should work together to raise awareness of refugee crises, research says

Noam Tirosh and Amit M Schejter

Study finds Israeli newspapers frame refugees as 'infiltrators'